Personal Injury

Construction Site Accidents Attorney

Fighting for the Compensation You Deserve Since 1985

Experienced San Jose Attorney Aiding Your Construction Site Accidents Lawsuit

Speak with a construction site accident attorney in San Jose, California if you have sustained injuries in a construction site accident. Workers' compensation insurance typically covers most on-the-job injuries, but if a third party's negligence contributed to your injury, you may also pursue a personal injury lawsuit.

With over three decades of experience, Bruce Funk Law of San Jose, California, specializes in handling personal injury cases related to on-the-job construction injuries. We can evaluate your case to determine whose negligence caused your injury and assist you in receiving fair compensation.


More Construction Site Accidents Information

Compensation in a Construction Accident Lawsuit

There are many different parties whose negligence can lead to a construction accident in which an employee is hurt.  If you have been injured in a construction accident, it is important to understand compensation in a construction accident lawsuit. When a person’s life changes as a result of a construction accident, there may be many expenses that were never anticipated, like loss of future earning potential and even the need for a wheelchair, ramps, or other medical devices and equipment. 

Bruce Funk Law of San Jose, California is familiar with the types of compensation that workers who have been hurt in construction accidents are going to need as they recover. We have had enough experience with this type of case to know what you can expect down the road, and we know that taking an initial settlement from an insurance company is often not going to meet all of your needs. We will work to hold all the negligent parties responsible and recover compensation for you that truly pays for your suffering and pain as well as the extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation that you will need.


Call to Schedule a Free Legal Consultation

At the Law Office of Bruce C. Funk, our wrongful death attorney is always available to provide a free legal consultation to potential clients. The Law Office of Bruce C. Funk of San Jose, California has the experience to investigate your construction site accidents case and gather all the relevant facts to help you obtain appropriate compensation. With over 33 years’ experience, we are able to properly evaluate who is at fault in this type of accident. To learn more about what our construction site accidents attorney team can do for you and your family, call our California law firm today at (408) 280-6488.


Construction Site Accidents

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