Criminal Defense

Homicide Charges

Defending Your Cases in San Jose Since 1985

defending Your Homicide Charges Case With Expertise

One of the most serious charges against a person is a homicide charge. Hire a homicide charges defense attorney in San Jose, California immediately if you face homicide charges. Homicide is defined as the unlawful killing of another human being with malicious intent. There are numerous ways for one human being to die at the hands of another, often without any malicious intent.

Bruce Funk Law of San Jose, California, understands how terrifying it is to be charged with a crime like homicide. You are aware that you could face a life sentence in prison. At a time like this, having professional legal defense can mean the difference between life and permanent incarceration. We have worked with prosecutors and even have the experience to negotiate a lesser charge based on circumstances that lessen the culpability of a defendant who has been charged with homicide.



More Homicide Charges Information

First and Second Degree Homicide

In the state of California, there are two types of homicide, which are first and second-degree homicide. First-degree homicide is the most serious and involves the deliberate intent to kill someone. First-degree homicide also includes homicide that occurs during the commission of another felony, like a robbery or kidnapping. Second-degree homicide is a homicide that is not premeditated or that is caused by reckless conduct. This is different than manslaughter, which is a lesser charge.

Bruce Funk Law understands the laws related to first and second-degree homicide and the possible mitigating factors that can become part of a homicide charge defense. Our attorney and professional staff have over three decades of experience working with criminal law cases including homicide. They will work towards the best possible defense to help you with your homicide charges case.

Defenses Against Homicide Charges

There are many ways in which to defend a party who has been accused of homicide, mostly because there are many possible reasons why homicide sometimes happens.  Someone may have acted in self-defense or at least perceived self-defense. The killing could have been a justifiable homicide, as in the case of a wife who was repeatedly beaten by a husband and who finally shoots him. A member of law enforcement could have coerced a confession of homicide, or a defendant may simply be suffering from insanity.


Call to Schedule a Free Legal Consultation

At Bruce Funk Law, our criminal defense attorney is always available to provide a free legal consultation to potential clients. With decades of experience, we can provide you with the best defense in your homicide charges case possible. Call us at 408-280-6488 and let us be the advocates you need.


Homicide Charges

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